Tuesday, September 22, 2009


HI THERE LADIES.. happy tuesday.. hows ur weekend so far.. oh i had a great time in Dubai with my family & in-laws... we went to the Dubai Mall & Emirates Mall.. those were the biggest mall in Dubai...oh as my promise.. i made some konadicure using my new opi & i cant wait to share it to u... on this design i used OP Ti-tan ur toga.. i first read this blog to "KAE" (the hungry asian) & the first time i saw this... i fell inlove with the color & im really lemming for it & im thanksful coz it was available in the opi store...i dont know how to describe it...all i can say its A shy beige worth a peek...*wink*

"Konad M72"

i used rimmel Azteque for stamping & konad m32 on this design...

rimmel azteque, OPI ti-tan your toga Konad sp "red"

konad ip M72 & M32


Thanks for ur comments!! I would reply to ur comment asap!! xoxo!!