Saturday, September 5, 2009


hi there everyone..i just wanna share my NOTD & the special thing on it was its my hubby who gave the idea for my NOTD & he did some patern for me....
elmo is my daughter's fave cartoon character he love elmo so much... how i wish there's an elmo konad design... hehehehehe... i used sponged in creating elmo's face.. what do think about my nail art...

lalalalalalala... elmo's world with cookie monster...lols

elmo's world this design was made by my husband...
then i did the rest of the design to my nails...
my daughter francheska with her fave elmo

meet vampy elmo


  1. this is soo cute and your daughter is just adorable hehehehe

  2. They are gorgeous! So cute! and I love the photo of your little one with the Elmo Dolls! Great post :)

  3. Oh wow that is so cute! I love how you added cookie monster!

  4. Are you kidding me? So adorable!!! Love your artwork!

  5. Oh i loooooove your nails, it's so cute!!
    and your designs are very creative,
    especially those you mix and match with Konad, i'm impressed! :)

  6. So cute! When I saw the mini picture of this on the side of the screen on "Getcha Nails Did", I thought you had Homer Simpson on your nails! I kid you not, that's what it looked like to me! However, Elmo and Cookie Monster are much cuter!
    (think about it, Elmos's head was Homers perpetual scruff, and the bare part of your nails his big bald head, am I the only one who sees that???) Michelle

  7. thanks for all ur comments..

    MICHELLE: lol.. thats what my hubby thought so when he saw my art after i copied his sample on my thumb nail.. im not really good in painting or stamping... im glad that u also seen that.. =) thanks for ur comment btw...

  8. Haha those are so fun :) And so creative, would never have thought of making Elmo on my nails :P

  9. Your daughter is just beautiful! She looks so happy with her Elmos! I love the Elmo designs you've done. Too cute beyond words.

  10. i am so envious of your talent!!haha howd you did this i love to do this for my son


Thanks for ur comments!! I would reply to ur comment asap!! xoxo!!