Thursday, September 10, 2009


hi there everyone.. im really lemming for a coraline stamp but sadly theyre are only available in US =( i also try to join in a contest were i can win a coraline stamp kit but i didnt win.. but im not losing my hope.. who knows 1 day i would find a person who's willing to swap coraline kit to my own nail art stuff...
waaaaaaaaaaaaa... so just to feed my lemming to coraline i made my own coraline design...
what do u think about my work??
thanks for reading..

heres the image plate that i like on the kit i copied the pattern of button and crossbones i just stamped a cat design on my thumb nail...hehehe (6_6)


OCTAGON M71 for the "cat"

OCTAGON M42 for the 'cross bone"
konad M16 for the "buttons"

my own franken "ROCKSTAR" (black)
enchant "yellow"
my own franken "baby blue"
konad special polish black
konad special polish yellow
konad special polish pastel blue


  1. Now this is what I call a FUN KONADICURE! This one is just awesome! Great job

  2. hey sweety nhirida.. yeah konadicure is really fun.. but i took 40 mins. to finish this design for my both hands...thanks for ur comments..

  3. Oh My! This is Sooo Super cute!
    I just love it!
    Great job!

  4. Just too add... I tagged you! Check out on my blog. :)

    Hope to see a lot more of your creations!

  5. Gorgeous! I love the colours you picked.

  6. that was so creative of you to think outside the box with your plates!

  7. Hmmm...I may be a tad responsible for contributing to that Coraline Konad lemming! Just a little. I love the look you created. You definitely invoked the spirit of Coraline.

    OC Nail Art ships internationally so you can get the kit there too.

    I added you to my blogroll today. I was a little behind with that, but your blog is now present. :)

  8. I really thought it was a Coraline stamp on my Dashboard, that's how good it is. Love your creativity and this mani! <3

  9. this is really really cute! great job. how did you make your baby blue franken?

  10. Wow, I LOVE that manicure! Very fun, and very well done!

  11. That is so awesome! I think I will try this. I don't have the Coraline set yet either. I do have the other images though (except for the cat) :) Thanks for sharing.

  12. Adorable! I love the color combinations you've used.


Thanks for ur comments!! I would reply to ur comment asap!! xoxo!!