Sunday, August 30, 2009


hi there everyone... hows ur sunday so far? ohhh.. i woke up so early this morning... (4:00 am) i dont know why...& i cant sleep anymore so i went to the kitchen & prepare breakfast for my hubby coz he will go to the office.. oh yeah.. its "sunday" but here in UAE every friday-saturday is the "OFF-day" i dont know why... so i prepared hotdogs & eggs for his breakfast...then something came into my mind.. my hubby is always asking me to cook for a sunny side up egg..but mostly i cook egg through microwave using "egg cooker" i cook this way coz it very convinient & save time... plus its cooking oil free & in just 30 secs. u have a cook egg...

after i prepared my hubby breakfast.. i do something on my nails... hehehehe (4:30 am)
i did some pre-hand painting on my nails... i just put a base coat then draw a circular on my nails as an egg white then drop a yellow on the center & i just put a red tips...

when my hubby woke up he ask me whats for his breakfast..

then i showed my nails..& he LOL (^_^)


  1. Love your eggs! They are so adorable and realistic. Looks like you have catsup on your free edge. That is totally funny. How did your husband like his eggs?

  2. thanks kinda had a hard time to draw the egg white lol.. i want something that looks like on my thumb nail...hehehe.. oh yeh it has a catsup on it..& i caled it "EGGtsup" hahahaha.. oh my hubby really lol when he saw my nails.. he said my nails looks more yummy than the real egg that i cooked for hahahahhaa

  3. THIS IS CLEVER!!!! love them, very cute, so fun!

  4. OK... THAT is about the coolest thing EVER! :)


Thanks for ur comments!! I would reply to ur comment asap!! xoxo!!